Join us for a musical triple-header as we host Boston/San Francisco based Choo Choo la Rouge, with opening acts Jennifer O’Connor and Kate Prascher.
Choo Choo la Rouge is a guitar/ bass/ drums rock trio from Providence, San Francisco, Boston, Anywhere, USA. Their songs are equal parts Kinks, Richman, Zevon, Big Star, Dylan, and more. They’re celebrating the release of their third full-length album, The Sunshine State, available April 5 on Kiam Records.
Jennifer O’Connor is a prolific singer/songwriter based in Nyack who uses guitars, synths, and drum machines to craft her unique and personal sound. Her latest release is ‘Born At The Disco’ on Kiam records.
Kate Prascher is a Hudson valley-based artist who grew up in Memphis, Tennessee and dove headlong into playing mandolin and guitar after moving to New York City. Her latest recording, ‘Bright Like This’, is available on Bandcamp and Spotify.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Doors 7 PM, music 7:30
Free admission; donations are encouraged and 100% goes to the musicians!